Chasing the Stigma - Hub of Hope

Chasing the Stigma - Hub of Hope


Design and Development Support


Hub of Hope
Visit website


monthly users

Our previous work with national mental health charity Chasing the Stigma started back in 2017 starting with consultancy and MVP product creation with an evolving 7 year transformational journey of project growth to create the UKs leading mental health service and support signposting tool which is available as mobile app on OS and android our via your web browsers and responsive web application.


Chasing the Stigma, a national mental health charity, aims to destigmatise mental health by making it a normalised topic and simplifying access to help. During the lifetime of the project we partnered with the charity to develop a web-based app, the Hub of Hope, which brings together local, national, peer, community, charity, private, and NHS mental health support and services in one central location for the first time. Launched in 2017 as a prototype, the Hub of Hope is now the UK's leading mental health support database of its kind.


The app tackles the issue of unclear pathways to mental health support. It acts as a bridge for those facing long wait times for referrals and provides a central point to access a wide variety of services and groups that can help people manage their mental health. As an early intervention tool, it empowers people to seek help before reaching a crisis point and serves as a vital resource for signposting others who are struggling.


The Hub of Hope is a mental health support signposting tool with over 12,000 services listed. It leverages a user's web browser or mobile device location to find the nearest and most relevant support. Searches can be filtered by specific concerns (e.g., anxiety, depression, LGBTQ+) and the type of support needed (peer, NHS, or VCSE). For immediate assistance, the app features a "Need Help Now?" button that connects users directly to Samaritans or SHOUT's crisis messaging service. Completely free to download, use, and register for organisations, the Hub of Hope is available on the App Store, Play Store, and

We created an iFrame that allows seamless integration of the app into third-party websites. Additionally, admin access was developed for these partners, enabling them to directly update their listings on the site. This feature has become the foundation for the charity's income-generating signposting partnerships. The Hub of Hope is used by various organisations, including NHS Trusts across the UK, Mind, Network Rail, NCP Parking, and many more.

The app also serves as the core element of the charity's Ambassador of Hope training program, which focuses on effective communication about mental health, signposting individuals to appropriate support, and handling mental health crises.


The Hub of Hope is fundamentally transforming how people connect with mental health providers. Chasing the Stigma advocates for a single, reliable, and consistent signposting message across the UK. With over 12,000 services listed, it has become the most comprehensive signposting tool in the UK. To date, it has directed nearly 400,000 people to help that can be transformative and even lifesaving.

The Hub of Hope is utilised by various entities, including national, regional, and local NHS Trusts, STPs, Local Authorities, CCGs, mental health charities, GP surgeries, schools, universities, emergency services, and many more. The development of the iFrame and admin/analytics access enabled Chasing the Stigma to establish corporate "signposting partnerships," generating revenue to support ongoing maintenance, updates, compliance needs, and promotion to new audiences. Signposting partners include Mind, Network Rail, Central and North West London NHS Trust, Bauer Media, and the Association of Mental Health Providers.

In April 2021, the NHS included the Hub of Hope on their official website, with over 40,000 visitors utilising it to find support within the first four months. The app was also recognized in the Government's COVID-19 Mental Health & Wellbeing Recovery Action Plan, acknowledging the pandemic's negative impact on mental health and outlining support strategies. Most recently, in September 2023, it was included in the policy paper "Suicide prevention in England: 5-year cross-sector strategy."

Previous work whilst trading as Mashbo