GigMate : Start Up Support

GigMate : Start Up Support





Increased user engaged
Community events

Combating loneliness with the power of music


GigMate is a social impact start-up with a mission to support the live music industry while combating loneliness by leveraging the power of music.


Our challenge was twofold: first, we assisted in shaping the GigMate start-up to make it attractive for funding opportunities, and second, we validated the underlying concept to ensure its viability and potential for success. Through our consultancy and business/tech support services, we helped refine GigMate's vision, strategy, and execution plan, positioning it favorably for securing funding from sources like InnovateUK. Additionally, we conducted thorough market research and analysis to validate the concept, ensuring that GigMate's mission of combating loneliness through the power of music resonated with its target audience and addressed a genuine need in the market.


Our services support GigMate with comprehensive consultancy and business/tech support via our Founder Collaboration support. 

We provided strategic guidance, market insights, and expert advice to help shape GigMate's business model, product development, and go-to-market strategies. Additionally, our tech support services ensured that GigMate had access to the necessary technical resources and expertise to build and launch their platform effectively. 

Our business and tech support services played a crucial role in translating GigMate's vision into a tangible and successful product launch.


  • Secured InnovateUK funding
  • Secured Friends and Family SEIS funding
  • Launched Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Established a beta test group of 500 users
  • Created 22 tribes based on music preferences
  • Facilitated beta users connecting and attending gigs together

GigMate, a social impact start-up, aims to combat loneliness through the power of music while supporting the live music industry. The project involved providing consultancy and business/tech support to help shape the start-up for funding and validate its concept. Through our services, GigMate secured InnovateUK funding and successfully launched its Minimum Viable Product (MVP). 

A beta test group of 500 users was established, and 22 tribes were created based on music preferences. The beta users were able to connect with each other and attend gigs together, fostering a sense of community and combating loneliness through shared musical experiences. By leveraging the power of music and facilitating social connections, 

GigMate has made a positive impact on both the live music industry and individuals struggling with loneliness.