Aug 22, 2024

Keeping your assets under control with custom business software

An Asset Management CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System is a software solution that combines features of traditional CRM systems with asset management capabilities.

Keeping your assets under control with custom business software

Something that we have had experience of is developing Asset Management CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems with our previous work with Churchill, Danone, PropertyCloud and housing management start-up Tenat.

What are Asset Management CRM Systems

An Asset Management CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System is a software solution that combines features of traditional CRM systems with asset management capabilities. This type of system is particularly useful for businesses that need to manage both their customer relationships and various types of assets, such as equipment, inventory, properties, or other valuable items.

Key features of an Asset Management CRM Systems may include:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

It includes functionalities for managing customer interactions, maintaining customer profiles, tracking communication history, and managing sales leads and opportunities.

Asset Tracking and Management

The system allows businesses to track and manage their assets efficiently. This includes monitoring the location, condition, maintenance history, and other relevant information about each asset.

Inventory Management

If assets include inventory items, the system may provide inventory management features. This involves tracking stock levels, reorder points, and managing the movement of goods.

Maintenance Scheduling

To ensure the proper functioning and longevity of assets, the system may include tools for scheduling and tracking maintenance tasks.

Integration with IoT (Internet of Things) Devices

Some advanced systems may integrate with IoT devices to collect real-time data from assets, allowing for more accurate monitoring and predictive maintenance.

Customisation and Reporting

Users may have the ability to customize the system to fit their specific needs. Additionally, robust reporting features help in analyzing data related to both customer interactions and asset management.

Mobile Accessibility

Many modern CRM systems, including those with asset management capabilities, offer mobile apps or responsive web interfaces for access on the go.

Security and Compliance

Given the sensitive nature of customer data and the importance of asset information, the system should prioritize security features to protect data and comply with relevant regulations.

The integration of CRM and asset management functionalities in a single system provides a holistic one-stop-shop view of business operations. It helps organisations streamline processes, improve efficiency, and make informed decisions by having a comprehensive understanding of both customer relationships and asset status.


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