Aug 22, 2024

Random acts of Connection

Liverpool-based live events companion app GigMate has partnered with creative and tech collaboration consultancy GoodShip* to host a unique record store meetup in honour of National Loneliness Week.

Random acts of Connection

Liverpool’s vibrant music scene came together in a unique way this June, when GigMate, a local live events companion app, teamed up with GoodShip* to host a special record store meetup in honour of National Loneliness Week.

We took over the independent record store 81 Renshaw, aiming to foster connections among attendees while raising awareness for two significant initiatives: the Marmalade Trust’s national campaign against loneliness and GigMate’s mission to combat social isolation through music.

A Shared Love of Music

We created an opportunity for people to meet new friends, share concert stories, and potentially find a concert companion through the GigMate app. Rob March, GigMate’s founder, emphasises the app’s dual mission: supporting artists and venues while addressing the issue of loneliness. 

He notes that research shows one in ten adults miss out on live music events due to a lack of company, impacting both individuals and the UK’s nightlife economy. March’s vision aligns perfectly with the Marmalade Trust’s campaign, which encourages people to attend events as a way to combat loneliness.

Creating Connections

The event highlighted the importance of breaking the ice to spark relationships and opportunities. We harnessed the power of music to facilitate new connections, encouraging guests to engage in discussions about tunes and gigs. These conversations hopefully led to new friendships or even business collaborations.

We extend our sincere thanks to Dave Strong, the manager of 81 Renshaw, for hosting this inaugural event and supporting GigMate and GoodShip*.


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